Tips to Pack Your Moving Day Traveling Car Efficiently

packing your moving day traveling carMoving day. It’s the day we all dread and work hard to prepare ourselves for, both physically and mentally. No matter how well you prepare, however, it will always be more work than you expect. But, you can reduce the burden on yourself and your family by making sure your travel plans are nailed down. Part of those travel plans should involve your moving day traveling car, and this Greeley moving company is here to help with a few tips.

Pack Your Moving Day Traveling Car Efficiently for the Big Day

Let’s back up for a moment before we get to what you should pack for your big day.

Before you start stuffing your car to the gills with essential items, you need to do two things: first, clean your car well, especially the inside. If your car tends to get pretty messy, the interior of your car could make your possessions dirtier than they were before. So go from the top down and make sure your traveling car is (relatively) clean.

Next, make a list of what you’ll need on the first day of your move. Start with the absolute essentials and begin setting those items aside in a pile. This will not only force you to consider carefully what you need to bring, but it will also give you a visual of all the things you’re planning on stuffing in your car on moving day.

After you have a list and a start on the items you know you’ll need, make sure you have these items with you, as recommended by the packing and moving experts at Mountain Moving:

  • Personal items and documents: Depending on where you’re moving, you might need more personal documents such as passports, etc. But it’s always a good idea to collect all the documents you may or may not need, including your ID, in one place. Make sure you have your driver’s license, car insurance card, and credit cards with you before you set out. Cash might also be useful to have on you as well.
  • Pet/child supplies: If you’re moving with pets or children, set aside a bag just for them. When I moved cross-country, I drove some of my possessions with my active, nervous dog. Having toys for her and something to fetch when we made stops kept her (mostly) calm. Moving is difficult for children and for pets, and having a few things along to comfort and occupy them, as well as their essential items, will make the process much easier for everyone.
  • Tools and cleaning supplies: You probably won’t be ready to clean your new home from top to bottom upon arriving, but having a couple cleaning supplies with you won’t hurt. For example, more than likely, you’ll want to sanitize the bathrooms and kitchen areas before use. A few basic tools will also help you work around the usual snafus that occur with every move-in.
  • Medication and snacks: I lumped these two very different items into one because you’ll need a snack or two on the road just as much as you’ll need your prescriptions. Forgetting necessary medications could make for a very trying moving day. 
  • Bathroom and bedroom items: You won’t truly know what your new living situation will be like until you get there. Be prepared with toilet paper, your toothbrush, towels, and any other items you might need in your new bathroom. Packing these items in your car will help you avoid digging through all your possessions to find your shower cap. Useful bedroom items include a pillow and pillowcase, an extra blanket or sheet, a robe, etc.


The point of packing your moving day traveling car well is to provide yourself quick and easy access to essential items you’ll likely need immediately upon arriving at your new home.

Need help with your move? Contact Mountain Moving today for a quote: 970-454-3362.

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